Alternative Healthy Lifestyle

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What Ginkgo Biloba Can Do To Your Health?

Brain Food

Hi all,
Today I would like to talk about something very popular.
That is Ginkgo Biloba

Effects of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba’s popularity spans thousands of years. Chinese first used this medicinal herb thousands of years ago to cure ailments ranging from ordinary disorders to complicated ones.
The positive effects of ginkgo biloba is well-documented. 300 clinical studies were conducted in a span of 30 years to prove the effects of ginkgo biloba to the body.

In one study about the effects of ginkgo biloba, it was found out that one of the main effects of ginkgo biloba is its ability to increase blood flow to the brain and throughout the blood vesels. This one of the effects of ginkgo biloba is highly beneficial since blodd vessesl ar the ones responsible for the supply of blood and oxygen to the organs. Conequently, the effects of ginkgo biloba would include better metabolism, regulation of neurotransmitters and increase in oxygen levels in the brain.

Increase circulation in the brain is one of the many positive effects of the ginkgo biloba. This particular one of the many effects of ginkgo biloba will contribute to the improvement of short and long term memory and improve mental clarity. Because of these effects of ginkgo biloba, ginkgo herb is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and other cerebral insufficiencies like difficulties in concentration, mental fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, headache, depressive mood, et cetera.

Another effects of the ginkgo biloba are it counters imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body by inhibiting palelet activity factor (PAF). PAF is a common body allergen which if it is overstimulated can cause brain damage, cardiovascular disorder, hearing disorder and other immune and inflammatory ailments. Preventing excessive PAF is one of the many positive effects of ginkgo biloba.

On the other side of the coin, despite the many positive effects of ginkgo biloba some side effects are also noted. One of the negative effects of ginkgo biloba is gastrointestinal discomfort ant headaches. If you have a clotting disorder, one of the negative effects of ginkgo biloba is it might increase bleeding risks.

Another side effects of ginkgo biloba are interacting negatively with anti-depressant drug called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). Pregnant women could be prone from side effects of ginkgo biloba.

And lastly, some people also noticed vomiting, restlessness, nausea and diarrhea as effects of ginkgo biloba. If these effects of ginkgo biloba are noticed then it is advisable to lower the intake of ginkgo biloba or stop it altogether.

Ginkgo biloba supplements should be taken at a daily dosage of 40mg to 200mg. for the positive effects of ginkgo biloba to become apparent.

We shall talk more about Ginkgo Biloba at mynext posting.


Brain Food

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