You Don't Have To Have An Overweight Child!
Hi all,
Good day to you.
Just like to let you know that I will be away for the next three days, ie. I would not be posting any writing for the next three days, but before I leave, I would like to share with you.........
There Is No Excuse To Have An Overweight Child!
Getting children down to normal weight is easier than doing the job with an adult for the simple reason that most kids do not have the money to go into a store and come home with boxes of pastries, cases of beer and gallons of ice cream. If you have no junk food in your house, don't use sweets as a reward and don't keep nagging your child to eat, there should be no great difficulty.
Every time I have seen a fat child, I have seen parents whose behavior needs modification, with the most common error being offering over and over again the child food he doesn't need. Many parents who claim that they have to buy junk food because the children "demand it" are deceiving no one but themselves: What they're really doing is using their child as an excuse to bring home junk food so they can eat it, too!
Other parents seem intimidated by their children and let them buy or eat anything they want. I would strongly suggest that such parents seek help from a counselor or psychologist. Or better yet, a relative or parent whose children are slim. What that friend might tell them is that it's perfectly okay for kids to squawk, complain, nag and even cry, holler and tell you they hate you. Kids act like that for all sorts of reasons. The major purpose behind 90 percent of that whining and nagging is the desire to have the parent establish firm limits on what the child can get away with.
Children need limits, they need discipline. They crave it; it's an integral part of their development. But there's no kid on the face of the earth who needs potato chips and bottles of soda. If you have trouble handling that approach, consider how your daughter is going to feel about you when she's 17 years old and weighs 70 kilos (or 150 pounds) as well as remembers how you gave in to her infantile whining for sweets which her high school psychology course will probably have taught her was nothing more than a disguised request for discipline and love.
Sure, kids will eat junk at their friends' houses and can buy their own candy bars. But I doubt if 1 child in 100 is going to get fat that way. More advice: Don't try to ingratiate yourself with your child by bringing home gallons of ice cream or boxes of snacks. There are better ways to express love. Don't urge the overweight child to take seconds or keep asking him if he's had enough to eat, just because your parents always did that to you. Don't tell the child he can have ice cream or a snack if he's good. And if he doesn't feel like eating at all or only plays with his dinner, what's wrong with that? Why not let his natural appetite control express itself? And if you have to throw out his food, fine!
Ok, that's all for today folks.
Till we 'eat' again, take care of yourself as well as your children of what is put in your.their mouth.
Weight Management