Alternative Healthy Lifestyle

Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle

Saturday, May 06, 2006

These Vitamins Keep You Look Young, Feel Young and Really Young!


Hi all,
We talked about the benefits of Antioxidant, lets talk about what are the antioxidant vitamins today.

Antioxidant Vitamins

Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for African-American men and women? The disease claims the lives of over 100,000 annually. Perhaps due to this alarming number, much of scientific researches conducted in the US today have recently been focused on how antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Previous studies have shown that antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta carotene (a from of vitamin A), have potential health-promoting properties. The data on antioxidant vitamins is incomplete for the most part but up to 30 percent of Americans are already taking some form of antioxidant vitamin supplement along with their diet.

Due to the lack of sufficient data to support the success of antioxidant vitamins supplement against cardiovascular diseases and other such degenerative illnesses, the American Heart Association does not recommend using antioxidant vitamins supplements. However, they do not want to put a stop to our continued taking of antioxidant vitamins, the ones found in nature and in the foods that we eat.

Some of the basic food groups that prove to be rich sources of antioxidant vitamins are the following:

  • Breads, cereals, pasta, and starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, yam, squash, etc.)
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Fat-free milk and low-fat dairy products
  • Lean meat, fish, and poultry

Incidentally, if you pattern your diet after this basic food group, you not only ingest a high level of natural antioxidant vitamins, but you also keep fat buildup in your body. Eating a variety of foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol will provide a rich natural source of antioxidant vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

But what exactly do antioxidant vitamins do?

Oxygen radicals are everywhere because we live in an atmosphere that contains oxygen. Oxidation is a process that naturally occurs in the body and a natural consequence of it are the radical particles that have since been dubbed as “free radicals.”

Scientists point to these so-called free radicals as the culprits when it comes to most degenerative diseases. Free radicals are blamed for even the simplest of illnesses, such as colds. There is an increasing body of evidence that oxidative stress is linked to many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders, cataracts, and arthritis. Our strongest defenses against these harmful free radicals are antioxidant vitamins which are contained in the foods that we eat.

So, got it? Now you know what are the Antioxidant Vitamins.

Then what next? Make sure you make Antioxidnat vitamins part of your daily diet.

That's all folks, stay young and stay tuned till we meet again.



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Friday, May 05, 2006

What Is Antioxidant?


Hi all,
From the last two topics, Green Tea and Biloba, you will realise there is one common property. That is both of them have this antioxidant property.

Antioxidant is my favorite subject. I benefit a lot from it. So I shall touch on this topics for my next few posts.


Ever wondered how you get all those wrinkles? Those annoying crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes? Or those laugh lines around your mouth? Sure, these things are but part of the normal aging process. But what causes aging anyway? And is there anyway to retard it?

In biological systems, the normal processes of oxidation are what lead to aging. Oxidation causes the production of substances called free radicals which are highly reactive. These free radicals can readily react with and damage other molecules. Note that it says “molecules” so that means free radicals don’t make the distinction between foreign bodies and healthy cells. And when free radicals start attacking the body’s own cells, you can guess what the results are – Aging.

If only there was a way to get rid of those harmful free radicals…

Well, have we got good news for you? Free radicals are natural enemies of antioxidants. The function of antioxidants is to destroy harmful free radicals, counteracting the damaging of tissues and in effect, treating aging or causing its retardation.

Antioxidants are commonplace in nature. In fact, antioxidants are abundant in more common vitamins such as retinol or Vitamin A, ascorbic acid or Vitamin C, tocopherol or Vitamin E, and selenium. They can be nutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well as enzymes (proteins in your body that assist in chemical reactions). Antioxidants are believed to play an important role in preventing the development of such chronic illnesses as heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, and cataracts.

Although antioxidants cannot completely rid our bodies of free radicals, they can however work to retard or minimize the damage caused. Antioxidants block the process of oxidation by neutralizing free radicals. By neutralizing, they themselves become oxidized. For this reason, our bodies are always in need of a constant source of antioxidants.

How antioxidants work is a two-way process. First is the chain-breaking. This is where the antioxidant comes in to break the chain reaction of free radicals turning other molecules into free radicals like them. Chain-breaking is also called Stabilization.

The other aspect is more on the preventive side. Antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase prevent oxidation by reducing the rate of chain initiation. This time, instead of waiting for the free radicals to make a long chain of free radicals, antioxidants scavenge initiating radicals and destroy them before oxidation is set in motion.

Thus, aging is delayed and not only that, diseases and other illnesses caused by harmful free radicals are avoided.

Lets stop here and contiune at the next posting.



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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Some More Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

Brain Food

Hi all,
Today's topic is:-

Benefit of Ginkgo Biloba

Using ginkgo biloba could redound to a number of benefits. Ginkgo biloba being an herb with medicinal components is used to treat various ailments. For centuries, the Chinese use ginkgo biloba extracts to heal simple to complicated body disorders. Chinese use ginkgo biloba in treating asthma, lung congestion, increase blood flow and general longevity. These are but a few of the perceived benefit of ginkgo biloba use. Needless to say that they believe healing is one benefit of ginkgo biloba extract.

Germany recently approved the use of ginkgo biloba extracts for Alzheimer’s patients. It is an apparent show of support on the benefit of ginkgo biloba. The benefit of ginkgo biloba use is particularly obvious in Germany and France where it gained wide following. Benefit of ginkgo biloba use in both countries are mainly obvious in treating memory problems, depression, anxiety, dizziness and headache.

Another benefit of ginkgo biloba is enhancing blood flow to the brain and the blood vessels. This particular benefit of ginkgo biloba is good for the circulation. And consequently, further benefit of ginkgo biloba is better metabolism. Due to the increase blood flow to the brain , another perceived benefit of ginkgo biloba is its being a brain tonic. This benefit of ginkgo biloba aids in promoting short and long term memory. Its high antioxidant component inhibits free radicals that if uncontrolled can cause premature aging and dementia. Preventing premature again is another benefit of ginkgo biloba.

An additional benefit of ginkgo biloba is it prevents cholesterol to form into plaques. Plaques are the cholesterol that clogs in the arteries. With the aid of ginkgo biloba plagues are inhibited. Enhancing blood flow to the retina to promote visual keenness is also a benefit of ginkgo biloba use. Preventing overstimulation of platelet activity factor (PAF) is also a benefit of ginkgo biloba use. This inhibition of PAF is important in preventing immune and inflammatory ailments including brain damage.

Benefits of ginkgo biloba are made possible by its two major components: flavonoids and ginkolides. Combine these two and a potent natural healing substance is formed, that would allow the benefits of ginkgo biloba to be apparent.

Thousands if not millions of people today have experience of the benefits of ginkgo biloba. For this living fossil, which has lived on earth for more than 150 million years, aiding people in finding relief in ailments is a continuous legacy. And the benefits of ginkgo biloba, if this tree is given due care in the succeeding years, will probably go on for another 150 million years or so.

That's all folks.


Brain Food

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What Ginkgo Biloba Can Do To Your Health?

Brain Food

Hi all,
Today I would like to talk about something very popular.
That is Ginkgo Biloba

Effects of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba’s popularity spans thousands of years. Chinese first used this medicinal herb thousands of years ago to cure ailments ranging from ordinary disorders to complicated ones.
The positive effects of ginkgo biloba is well-documented. 300 clinical studies were conducted in a span of 30 years to prove the effects of ginkgo biloba to the body.

In one study about the effects of ginkgo biloba, it was found out that one of the main effects of ginkgo biloba is its ability to increase blood flow to the brain and throughout the blood vesels. This one of the effects of ginkgo biloba is highly beneficial since blodd vessesl ar the ones responsible for the supply of blood and oxygen to the organs. Conequently, the effects of ginkgo biloba would include better metabolism, regulation of neurotransmitters and increase in oxygen levels in the brain.

Increase circulation in the brain is one of the many positive effects of the ginkgo biloba. This particular one of the many effects of ginkgo biloba will contribute to the improvement of short and long term memory and improve mental clarity. Because of these effects of ginkgo biloba, ginkgo herb is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and other cerebral insufficiencies like difficulties in concentration, mental fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, headache, depressive mood, et cetera.

Another effects of the ginkgo biloba are it counters imbalances and deterioration in the brain and body by inhibiting palelet activity factor (PAF). PAF is a common body allergen which if it is overstimulated can cause brain damage, cardiovascular disorder, hearing disorder and other immune and inflammatory ailments. Preventing excessive PAF is one of the many positive effects of ginkgo biloba.

On the other side of the coin, despite the many positive effects of ginkgo biloba some side effects are also noted. One of the negative effects of ginkgo biloba is gastrointestinal discomfort ant headaches. If you have a clotting disorder, one of the negative effects of ginkgo biloba is it might increase bleeding risks.

Another side effects of ginkgo biloba are interacting negatively with anti-depressant drug called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). Pregnant women could be prone from side effects of ginkgo biloba.

And lastly, some people also noticed vomiting, restlessness, nausea and diarrhea as effects of ginkgo biloba. If these effects of ginkgo biloba are noticed then it is advisable to lower the intake of ginkgo biloba or stop it altogether.

Ginkgo biloba supplements should be taken at a daily dosage of 40mg to 200mg. for the positive effects of ginkgo biloba to become apparent.

We shall talk more about Ginkgo Biloba at mynext posting.


Brain Food

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Lets Go To The Chinese Tea House

Chinese Tea

Hi all,
We shall learn more about the Chinese Tea House today.

Chinese Tea House: The Customary Place of Leisure

It is a well-known fact that next to plain water, the most popular drink on earth is tea. In China, almost every aspect of the growing and production of traditional teas is controlled. The Chinese drink green teas and some oolongs without milk, and black teas are produced solely for export.

Tea drinking in China has long been considered as a Chinese social activity. Stories have it that tea drinking began from the Tang Dynasty, when the Buddhist monks gathered to drink their brew after meditation. The practice soon spread to the general public, while the refined scholars that time endeavored to perfect the art of tea drinking. Then, as the volume of tea production increased, the number of Chinese tea houses began to flourish, particularly in the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279).

From the Song Dynasty, the number of Chinese tea houses peaked in the Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911). By that period, both the style and function of the Chinese tea houses had become diversified. The tea houses started to adopt elegant setting decorated with paintings, bonsai and calligraphy. They sold only tea. There were also others that combined Chinese tea house and Chinese restaurant and offered the traditional brew. Some locally flavored snacks were also offered at these settings.

Style of a Chinese Tea House

Today’s Chinese tea houses can be divided into three different styles: the traditional, modern and fusion. In the first place, the traditional tea house aim to promote the national culture while offering an urban hub for leisure and business. The modern variety is represented by the Taiwanese styled eatery. At these modern settings, the main attraction is a sweetened low-graded green or red tea, which is added with small sticky taro balls. Lastly, the fusion type, as the name implies, is a combination of the two styles.

According to some resources, the Chinese tea houses, especially the traditional type, focus mainly on cultivating a taste for pleasure. The tea houses are more expensive than the Chinese coffee shops, but the cost includes a choice of tea as well as an assortment of snacks like melon seeds, biscuits, preserved plums, and candies.

The visitors at these tea houses usually sit on cushions at low tables to drink the fine quality Chinese teas. Their tea is often brewed in a tiny, Satsuma-sized teapot, and then poured into even smaller cups. Reports noted that the teapot may be infused three or four times.

In the Chinese tea house, the drinking of tea is generally about appreciating tea for its aroma, appearance, and flavor, rather than the quenching of thirsts. For the Chinese, it is a special occasion, without formal dress, at which small snacks accompany the tea.

Chinese Tea House Today

These days, most of the tea houses in China are scattered in the city. They are usually set up on bridge piers along the river, to provide a resting place for the visitors and travelers coming afar. Although not large in size, the tea houses are neat in configuration. As many have claimed, they look like pergolas to some extent.

The tea served in tea houses vary from green tea to black tea, along with local delicacies and desserts. There are some instances that one comes in the early morning and order a pot of tea, chat and enjoy the warm sunshine at the same time, until the tea house closes in twilight. At this setting, refills for the tea are given free of charge as long as the cup is left open.

Hm..... lets go....... and have a cup of Chinese Tea.

Chinese Tea

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Monday, May 01, 2006

The Art of Drinking and Serving Chinese Tea

Chinese Tea

Hi all,
Today, I am going to talk about:-

Chinese Tea Ceremony: The Art of Drinking and Serving Chinese Tea

The art of drinking and serving tea plays a very vital cultural role in China. It inspires a lot of artists that the Chinese tea ceremony, as it is called, has been written in songs and poetry. The ritual of preparing and serving tea has even held a special place in the hearts and minds of the Chinese aristocracy, court officials, intellectual, poets, and even the common people.

On its most basic, the Chinese tea ceremony emphasizes the tea itself, rather than the ceremony. It focuses on what the tea tastes like, smells like, and how one tea tastes compared to the previous tea, or in inclusive rounds of drinking. It doesn’t mean that each server will perform the ritual the same way and it is not related to religion. Every step taken during the ceremony is meant to be a sensory exploration and appreciation.

How to conduct a Chinese tea ceremony is just so easy. However, it is important to note that steps to assure the finest tasting tea is very exacting. As often said, if done properly you can extract the finest flavor a tea has to offer.

The Teapot and Tea Cup Preparation

The Chinese tea ceremony uses small cups to match the small and unglazed clay teapots. Each cup is just large enough to hold about two small swallows of tea. These tiny cups are particularly popular in Chiujao and Fujian, while in Shanghai and Beijing, large cups are employed.

Curing the teapot and cups is one essential step in Chinese tea ceremony. When you receive your teapot and cups, they have to be cured. The teapot used is usually made from red clay, and to seal the inside of a teapot and the cups, you first need to place loose tea into the pot and fill it with boiling water. Let it sit for three hours to a day.

Some tea masters advise to do it for a week prior to the curing of the teapot, cups and pouring pitcher. This technique is said to seal the inside of the teapot. Also, oils from the tea leaves fill in all the tiny pours of the new clap teapot.

In a Chinese tea ceremony, washing bowls are also needed. You need to pour the hot tea that has been brewing for 5 minutes and fill the washing bowl with hot tea. Let the tea cups also sit in the tea. This is also done to seal the tea cups with the resins of the tea. And, once the teapot, tea cups and pouring pitcher have been cured, the next step is to get ready for the ceremony.

The Tea Preparation

For the tea preparation, all you need to do is prepare the boiling water, and carefully place the tea into the teapot until it is about a third full. Also, make sure that the teapot and cups are now on the tea washing tray. Then, pour the hot water into the teapot until it is overflowing. Place the lid on, and continue to pour the hot water over the teapot. This is done to allow the entire teapot to be hot.

After that, pour the second brewed tea into the tea cups and pouring pitcher. This is to allow the flavor of the tea to penetrate the tea cups and pouring pitcher. Then, pour the boiling water into the teapot for the third time and cover. Place the tea strainer over the pouring pitcher. Wait for the tea to brew. After three minutes of brewing, pour hot water into the pouring pitcher to assure that it is hot and pour that into the teacups. When ready, empty the tea cups and pitcher and then pour the tea into the pitcher through a tea strainer. Pour the tea into the cups, making sure to never fill a cup at a time, but by passing the tea over each cup so they fill equally.

The Importance of Water

The water used in the Chinese tea ceremony is as important as the tea itself. As noted, chlorine and fluoride in tap water should be filtered out as they harm the flavor of the tea. Distilled water is said to make flat tea, thus should be avoided. The ideal water should have an alkaline pH around 7.9.

Note: In Chinese tea ceremony, the aroma of the tea is certainly what is sought after. When using the small tea cups never drink or gulp the tea. Instead, sip the tea through the lips and teeth making a hissing sound. Drinking and sniffing the tea during the Chinese tea ceremony can take over an hour and many fine conversations will ensure. The sign of the tea master is to insure that every round of tea tastes exactly the same.

I shall stop here now and shall with you something about Chinese Tea House at my next posting.

Till then, take care and enjoy your Chinese Tea.


Chinese Tea

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Essential for Tea Making

Chinese Tea

Hi all,
Lets talk about the Chinese Tea culture today.

Chinese Tea Set: Essential for Tea Making

You probably all know that tea is highly considered by Chinese as one of the necessities to start a day. Well, it is a very important part of the Chinese culture. They have drunk tea since time immemorial and so they have a wide range of knowledge and experience with tea and tea making.

Speaking of tea making, it is interesting to know that there are some very important steps involved in tea making. One of those is choosing the right Chinese tea set.

Choosing the right or appropriate tea sets is said to be very crucial in the tea preparation. In particular, it holds a very vital role in brewing tea.

Now, what composes a Chinese tea set?

Basically, the Chinese tea sets are referred to as tea pots, tea saucers, tea bowls, and tea trays. Today, there are different forms and types of Chinese tea sets that have certain characteristics and designs. Because of this, the tea sets are considered a very necessary part of artistry.

Being highly valued, the Chinese tea sets are dedicated to the established tea culture in China. They are actually divided into two categories. The first refers to those that have high artistic value, while the second is those that are used in every day life. I think it is quite understandable that those with high artistic value are commonly used in special tea ceremonies like a Chinese wedding ceremony. They are usually kept in beautiful cabinets and are proudly presented during a tea ceremony. On the other hand, those that are used in every day life are just used plainly for that purpose. As you may know, tea is a very vital part of every meal in China.

How to select the right tea sets and identify their use is not difficult. Selecting Chinese tea sets for every day use largely depends on the types of the tea that people drink. It even depends on where the people live.

For example, in the eastern as well as northern regions of china, the people usually drink floral teas, which are also considered as herbal teas. Now, in drinking floral tea, the people commonly employ large tea pots to boil the tea in water. According to some resources, these tea pots are ceramic, and their size depends on the number of people to be served.

In the Kangnam area, it was reported that green tea is usually drunk. It then follows that using a ceramic tea pot with a lid is very appropriate. Then, in areas like Fujian, Taiwan and Guangdong, the people drink usually oolong teas, so they usually use a regular kettle to brew the tea.

Furthermore, when brewing Gongfu tea or Hong tea, experts suggest using a ceramic pot or a regular kettle. Then, when drinking a high quality tea such as Xihu-long-jing, Jun-shan-yin-zhen, and Ton-ting-bilei-chun, clear glass cups are appropriate to use.

However, when drinking green tea or any tea that has fine leaves, choose a Chinese tea set that has small tea cups, as they are best to use than the large ones. Well, the main reason for this is that when these teas are poured into large cup, there would be too much water. High levels of water is said to brew fine leaves too fast, resulting in discolored tea leaves, and influencing the fragrance as well as taste of the tea.

Some people also use a thermos to keep the green tea warm, which affects the color and flavor of the tea. It’s no wonder then that today, most of the Chinese tea sets include thermos on it.

Along with those mentioned items included in a Chinese tea set, there are also some tea plates, tea set cover cloths, tea spoons, tea trays, and tea brewing containers to complete the set.

Ok, lets stop and brew some Chinese Tea to drink.

Chinese Tea

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