Alternative Healthy Lifestyle

Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle

Saturday, June 24, 2006

These 6 Simple Tips Will Help You To Shed Fat!

Weight Management

Hi all,
Have you tried out the Honey drink mixed with a tea spoon (or more to your preference) of Apple Cider Vinegar? Taste Good?

Oh, please do NOT begin with the 24hrs fast straight away, you might like to begin with skipping one meal, when your body gotten used to it, then skip 2 meals, that is 24 hrs fast. Remember, always listen to your body.

Ok, today we shall touch on something we all could do even during fasting.

Shed Fat With These 6 Active Tips

Discovering time to exercise is like trying to get more laughter in your life: It's usually easier said than done. To master the tricks, you need to be part escape artist and part strategist, but most of all an opportunist. The moments that you can grab for activities come suddenly and pass swiftly, and if you don t take advantage of them, every cell of your body pays a certain price. Here are some ideas to help plan your playtime.

Take The Stairway.
Whenever you have a choice, climb the stairs instead of getting on an escalator, a moving walkway or an elevator. You burn ten times more calories climbing the stairs than you do sitting still. If this means you need to allow yourself a few more minutes to get to your office or to make your way through an airport, so be it.

Forget Close Parking Spots.
Parking at the mall? Shopping at the supermarket? Instead of cruising the lot to find the closest space, go for those vast empty spots on the far side of the lot. It won't take you that much longer to get to the store (no, you won't miss the sale), and the long-distance walking boosts your metabolism and burns calories.

Lengthen The Drop-off Point.
When you're taking a cab, allow some extra time and have the driver drop you off a few blocks from your destination. If you're taking a bus, get off a stop or two before you need to, then cover the distance with some fat-burning strides.

Make Every Minute Count.
When you're standing in line, for example, you can tighten and relax your gluteus muscles (that is, your rear end). When you're on the phone and someone has put you on hold, you have a good opportunity to do a few repetitions of abdominal breathing techniques.

Use Commercial Time Wisely.
TV commercials aren't for snack-fetching, they're for stretching. Get up, stretch, move around. If you're upstairs and there's a quick chore to be done downstairs, or vice versa, seize the commercial break as an opportunity to get it done. Or hang a jump rope near the TV and skip to the jingle. Even that small amount of activity will help you break out of the fat-making mold.

Schedule Physical Activities with Friends.
Make active dates with friends and do some physical activities together. If you're accustomed to meeting for lunch or drinks, figure out some other meeting arrangement and make sure it involves exercise. Maybe your lunch partner has been wanting to take up tennis again, and so have you. Maybe you can get some people interested in a pickup game of Frisbee, table tennis, basketball, soccer or volleyball. Even if your lunch hour is literally that, no more than an hour, you and a friend can plan on a short lunch together, followed by a long walk.

These are very simple ways to help shed fat, give it a try.

Ok, till we meet again, eat wisely and exercise regularly.


Weight Management

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Friday, June 23, 2006

How To Drink Water To Aid In Losing Weight? My Secrets Revealed!

Weight Management

Hi all,
Today, I would like to share something very simple yet effective in weight management and my Secrets.

Drinking Water To Aid In Losing Weight

For years, physicians have been advising us to drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day for best health. And it makes good sense, since our everyday environments seem custom-designed to leave us parched. Homes and offices have radiant or low-humidity air conditioning. Cars and public transportation have temperature-controlled air that's usually a lot drier than it needs to be for comfort. All the time we're sitting in our living rooms, offices and cars, we're usually drinking much less water than we're losing.

It takes surprisingly little fluid loss (only 1 to 2 percent of the body's total water content) to cause dehydration. Each day the average person loses at least two cups of water through breathing, another two cups through invisible perspiration and six cups through urination and bowel movements. That's ten cups a day.

There are other factors that contribute to water loss. Drinking caffeinated beverages and others that act as diuretics causes you to lose invisible perspiration and to empty your bladder more often, and additional moisture evaporates as you sweat during exercise or hard physical labor.

On the intake side, you do have some easy sources, even when you're not thinking much about it. Many foods contain a large amount of water; you'll get approximately 2 cups of fluid from what you eat during a typical day. And the body itself does a modest amount of water recycling. As you burn energy, one of the by-products of your metabolic processes is water. Since you lose ten cups of water a day and get only four from food and metabolism, it seems obvious that you need to drink at least six cups just to stay on an even keel. And if you can drink eight as recommended, you're even better off.

Of course, the eight cups' worth can come in many forms. You might keep an eight-ounce glass nearby and top it with water every couple of hours or so. Or drink the equivalent amount of other liquids, such as skim milk, unsweetened juices or a variety of other non-caffeinated beverages.

Heat, humidity, exercise and diet can all make a difference in how much you actually need. Stroll around Tucson in August, and you'll require a lot more than eight glasses of water to keep yourself hydrated. And the person who munches dry tortilla chips at snack time needs more fluids than the person who eats a couple of oranges as a snack. But while exact needs may change depending on the environment and the type of food you eat, the point is that you nearly always need extra fluids.

Ok, lastly, I would like to share with you what I did to lose 10 kilo within 5 months in a healthy way.

Every morning I down a glass of honey drink mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar before I eat anything.
Every weekend (once a week) say Friday after taking my dinner, I avoid any food intake, I just keep taking water (not tea, not bear, not coffee...) at regular interval, and whenever I am feeling tired, I drink a glass of honey drink. At lunch I will just take fruit especially Watermelon. This goes on till dinner, and I make sure I will take the same quantity of food and NOT more for dinner.

When my body gotten used to it, I could even go for jogging without feeling weak, it speeds up the weight loss process. And I ONLY do it once a week, though sometime I extend the Saturday program to Sunday, ie. two 24hrs fasting over the weekend. Friday dinner, Saturday dinner and Sunday dinner, that's all.

It is very simple yet effective, and no cost....... except buying the fruit, ACV and honey. :o)

Ok, I have shared my secret, if you decide to try it, let me know your result. Thanks.


Weight Management

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

More Daily Fat-Fighting Tips!

Weight Management

Hi all,
More Daily Fat-Fighting tips to share today.

15 Daily Fat-Fighting Tips

1. De-automate your housework and make your body work harder. Wash dishes, mix batters and open cans by hand, and hang your wash on the line instead of using a dryer.

2. Use whipped or softened butter or margarine. You'll spread the flavor around using a lot less than if it were hard and you had to scrape it on.

3. Learn that it's okay to say an assertive "No, thank you" when other people offer you food.

4. Hold a conference and explain your weight-loss wish to family, friends or doughnut-bearing co-workers. Ask them to understand if you turn down their dinners or candy.

5. Go out dancing, miniature golfing, bowling - anything active - if you normally sit around and play bridge or watch television. The most calories you can burn in an hour playing cards is 95, but waltzing can whisk away 195 to 305 for every hour on the floor, and an hour of square dancing can stomp away 330 to 510 calories.

6. Drink no-calorie sparkling waters when you're out, instead of alcoholic beverages.

7. Set a realistic goal for yourself. "Take it one day at a time and don't punish yourself for slipping," says Suzann Johnson, a registered nutritionist with Weight Watchers International. "You'll be more successful if you remember to be your own best friend."

8. Exercise during television commercials. Those 3-minute spurts will keep you out of the kitchen.

9. Use good plate psychology. Don't use place settings with intense colors such as violet, lime green, bright yellow or bright blue; they're thought to stimulate the appetite. The same goes for primitive-looking pewter and wooden plates. Instead, appease your appetite with elegant place settings in darker colors. Choose plates with broad decorative borders and a slightly "bowled" design. You can fit less food in them.

10. Eat only at scheduled times in scheduled places and leave the table as soon as you're finished eating, instead of lingering over the last bites.

11. Ask for smaller portions and don't eat everything on your plate (unless you're having steamed vegetables and fish, or an equally good-for-you meal).

12. Remove food stashed in inappropriate places - get the candy bars out of your desk drawer and remove the nut bowl from the coffee table.

13. Chew each bite of food at least ten times to really taste it and to make yourself eat more slowly.

14. Don't skip meals. You'll only overeat later.

15. Invite your spouse or house mate into the kitchen with you when you're preparing meals and cleaning up to keep you from sampling as you go.

That's all for today.

Sorry, gonna remind you, till we 'eat' again, watch what you put in your mouth.


Weight Management

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

14 Daily Fat-Fighting Tips

Weight Management

Hi all,
Yes, you right, somemore tips today. :o)

14 Daily Fat-Fighting Tips

1. Start your diet with a food diary.
Record everything you eat, what you were doing at the time, how you felt. That tells you about yourself - your temptation times, the emotional states that encourage you to eat - and may help you lose weight, once you see how much you eat.

2. If you're about to cheat, allow yourself a treat, then eat only half and throw the other half away. When hunger hits, wait several minutes before eating and see if it passes.

3. Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. The sweetness of the toothpaste may take your craving away.

4. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day.
Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you that "full" feeling.

5. Diet with a buddy.
Many successful weight-loss programs rely heavily on support groups: caring people who help one another succeed. Start your own, even with just one other person.

6. Avoid evening TV.
Studies show that people who watch a lot of TV tend to be overweight. Overweight people will tell you that TV encourages them not only to sit still but also to snack.

7. Make dining an event.
Eat from your own special plate, on your own special place mat, and borrow the Japanese art of food arranging to make your meal, however meager, look lovely. This is a trick that helps chronic overeaters and bingers pay attention to their food, instead of consuming it unconsciously.

8. Avoid consuming large quantities of fattening liquids, which are so easy to overdo. That includes alcohol.

9. Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw veggies and popped popcorn on hand. They're high in fiber, and they're satisfying and filling.

10. Don't lose too quickly.
Be happy with a slower weight loss. Remember, you're less likely to gain back what you lose slowly and your body isn't going to sag.

11. Don't eat with the radio or stereo on.
Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and savoring each morsel.

12. Always eat with a utensil, even finger foods like fruit or bread. And if possible, use chopsticks. Unless you're really adept, you'll be forced to eat more slowly and take smaller bites.

13. Buy nonstick pans so you can saute without the addition of any fat;

14. Wear a belt or girdle that makes you aware of when you've eaten enough.

Ok, that's all for today folks.
Till we 'eat' again, watch your diet.


Weight Management

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10 Healthy Tips When Shopping The Bread-And-Cereal Section

Weight Management

Hi all,
More tips for you on Weight Management.

10 Healthy Tips When Shopping The Breads-And-Cereal Section

1. Stick with whole grain varieties, including whole wheat, multigrain, rye, millet, oat bran, oat, and cracked wheat. This goes for all types of bread: sliced bread, pita, bagels, English muffins, crackers, and so on.

2. Although "wheat" bread might sound just as healthy as "whole wheat" bread, don't be fooled; it's merely a blend of white and whole wheat flour. A product labeled "whole wheat" must be made from 100 percent whole wheat flour.

3. Check the label and choose breads with at least 2 grams of fiber per slice.

4. If you're looking to save calories, try the whole wheat, reduced-calorie bread (approximately 40 calories per slice with 2 grams of fiber).

5. Take advantage of the fiber that some cereals pack in, and choose varieties that have at least 2 grams of fiber per serving. You can usually (not always) get a sense of whether a cereal has fiber from the name on the box (Bran Flakes, All- Bran, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran, Fiber-One, Shredded Wheat, and Corn Bran).

6. Some cereals pack in more sugar and salt than most people realize. Check the Total Carbohydrates against the Sugars (on the nutrition label) to make sure sugar is not a main ingredient. In fact, opt for the brands that report 6 grams of sugar or less per serving. If your kids (or spouse) insist on the sugary brands, mix it with half a bowl of a healthier look-a-like (for instance, half Frosted Flakes and half Bran Flakes).

7. Check the serving size. Some of the denser, heavier cereals only allot a miniscule amount for one serving. Take this into consideration if you plan to eat a normal size bowl (and you're watching your weight). Remember, double the serving size means double the calories.

8. Don't forget to throw some hot cereal into your cart. Whether you opt for the instant or the kind that requires cooking, stick with unsweetened varieties of oatmeal, grits, cream of rice, and cream of wheat. You can sweeten them with some of the fresh fruit you bought in the produce section.

9. Most cereals are low in fat with the exception of granola and others that add nuts, seeds, coconut, and oils. Read the label and choose cereals with no more than 2 grams of fat per serving.

10. Read the list of ingredients on your cereal box and make sure that wheat, rye, corn, or oats are listed first. Items are listed in the order of quantity.

That's all for now folks, stay tuned for some more tips at my next post.


Weight Management

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Monday, June 19, 2006

7 Ways To Help Replace Meat In Your Diet!

Weight Management

Hi all,
Hope you had a Great weekend.
Here are somemore tips on Weight Management.

7 Ways To Help Replace Meat In Your Diet

Day by day, you can take deliberate steps to trim the fat in your diet by shifting away from meat. Whether or not you cut it out entirely, you'll discover that what starts out as a bit of a challenge can become an enjoyable new habit.

1. Cut back on portions of red meat.
Begin mathematically. Eat one-fifth less red meat this week. Take off another fifth next week. Perhaps, at the same time, you can substitute low-fat chicken or turkey breast or fresh fish for beef or pork, As you continue to reduce your portions, you can gradually turn meat into a mealtime "garnish." A realistic step? Yes it is, at least for most of us. You might set an initial goal of having no more than one serving of lean meat, fish or poultry a day, limiting your portion to three or four ounces (the size of a deck of cards).

2. Eat fresh-baked bread and rolls.
Consider making it a pleasurable weekly habit to bake some homemade bread. The aroma of bread baking is one of life's pleasures. Every meal can be accompanied by 100 percent whole grain baked goods. The natural flavor of whole grain bread is often so delicious that you'll be able to go light on the margarine or butter, and then, before long, skip it entirely.

3. Go for more flavor enhancers.
No one wants to change his diet unless the new meals and snacks have fresh, knockout tastes. Keep a condiment tray in the refrigerator, stocked with your favorite hot and spicy fixings - garlic, spices, salsas, chutneys - and flavor each meal the way you want it to taste.

4. Add variety and zip to your salads.
Look for vegetables with color and great new flavors. When you stop by your local produce stand or explore the farmers market, be on the lookout for hundreds of possible additions to mealtime salads. Deep green spinach, purple kale and arugula are some increasingly popular options. You can always count on carrots, tomatoes, onions, broccoli and cauliflower. But what about a light sprinkling of diced apples, chopped nuts or very low fat shredded cheese for added taste?

5. Be willing to try new fat-free salad dressings as they show up in the supermarket, and watch for them in gourmet shops. You have the option of making a quick dressing with a very small amount of olive oil followed by a good splash of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice, plus your favorite seasonings.

6. Fill in with fruits and veggies.
By adding fresh produce to foods you already enjoy, you make a shift to low-fat eating while hanging on to some flavors you love. If tuna or chicken salad is your favorite, try making it with fat-free mayonnaise and chopped green or red peppers. Then add slices of tomatoes, onions or cucumbers - or all three. Serve on a bed of fresh green-leaf or romaine lettuce. In less than a minute, you can have an extra serving of vegetables while preserving the main part of your favorite-tasting salad or sandwich.

7. In stews and casseroles, add less meat and put in some extra vegetables, grains or pasta.
If you're used to high-fat slices of ham or salami served on thin bread or crackers, replace the meat with crispy fresh slices of cucumbers, carrots, celery or zucchini. If you're serving an appetizer, try some broccoli or cauliflower florets, along with some guiltless spicy salsas and low-fat or fat-free creamy dips.

Ok, that's all for this post, stay tuned for more tips.

Till we 'eat' again, watch what you eat. :o)


Weight Management

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

3 Ways To Ward Off Food Cravings

Weight Management

Hi all,
Lets have somemore tips on Weight Management.

3 Ways To Ward Off Food Cravings

Food cravings aren't all in your mind. You crave foods because your body "remembers" the physiological effect the food had when you consumed it in the past. In fact, research has shown that the foods we perceive as enjoyable or rewarding actually activate the same "reward pathways" in the brain that are triggered by certain drugs of abuse, like cocaine. When you experience a "food flash," you are really experiencing a milder form of the drug cravings that afflict recovering addicts.

That's why the smell of food is often all it takes to get you feeling all "cravey" and distracted. Haven't you on occasion walked past a bakery or entered a friend's kitchen and suddenly the aroma of delicious foods hits you, leaving you tempted? Face it, the smell of food can make you feel hungry as much as the sight of food can. That's a biological fact we're stuck with. The solution is to remind yourself, "That's the aroma of fat cells I don't need."

Luckily, there are other things besides drugs, food, and smells that can activate the reward pathways of your brain. In fact, you can start many of the same internal reactions through exercise, meditation, and believe it or not, laughter.

Exercise, even moderate exercise, can serve as a tremendous anti-anxiety agent. Research has proven that people who exercise have an enhanced sense of control over their bodies and their lives. Even better, the most recent research indicates that you don't have to workout to the point of exhaustion. The old proviso of at least thirty minutes of exercise three times a week is being modified shorter bouts of exercise are just as effective. That means a little bit of physical activity for merely ten minutes at a stretch a few times a day is just as effective as the traditional thirty minute routine. It would seem as if this new research was tailor-made to fit the time needed to overcome the average craving.

Whether it is Transcendental or any other kind of meditation, it has been shown to induce a biological state that is the exact opposite of that of stress. Meditation is food for your soul. It satiates the hunger that is not satisfied by food alone. And when your soul is fed, you have less need to overeat. When you directly experience the fullness of life, then you have less need to attempt to fill the void with food.

Chill Out:
Don't take yourself and your weight-loss efforts so seriously that you become grim about it. Laughter lifts depression, soothes anger, and relieves anxiety. Many people keep on hand a videotape of a favorite old comedy or sitcom episode, something that just makes them laugh out loud. You can't laugh and eat at the same time. Humor kills food cravings.

Exercise, meditation, and laughter are three nonfood alternatives that are not only healthy and fun, they give you the scientific edge. With these three substitutions you are not only protecting yourself from the craving, you are changing the underlying chemistry that leads to craving, preventing later attacks.

Of course, if you could meditate with a smile while exercising, the effect is more significant..... if you COULD! Ha ha ha........


Weight Management

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3 Meal-Structuring Tips For The Low-Fat Lifestyle!

Weight Management

Hi all,
Good day to you.
Lets start with some tips on............

3 Meal-Structuring Tips For The Low-Fat Lifestyle

Always know what you're going to have for dinner well before you begin preparing a meal. If you get into the habit of doing that, there will be no pressing need to measure portions, count calories or forgo your favorite foods. When you plan your meals, eating appropriate portions will follow naturally.

1. Planning a meal begins at the kitchen table, not with knife and fork but with pencil and paper. For most people, planning meals about a week in advance works best. Whether you're going to be trying some new recipes, relying on family favorites, or both, it's extremely helpful to have the actual list of ingredients right in front of you. It's worth double-checking to make sure that you have all the appropriate condiments for each recipe or meal: Parmesan cheese for the pasta, lemon for the fish, yogurt for the baked potato and so forth. Herbs, spices and condiments help give food the quality of being a "meal," which is exactly the quality that we're striving for.

2. Try to buy only as much food as will fit into your planned menus. There are two ways to do this. One is to make every effort not to buy excessive amounts of food in the first place, and the other is to learn how to use leftovers in a creative but planned manner. If you're the kind of person who knows how to turn leftovers into a good lunch or dinner, you have a definite advantage here. If not, you can either ask friends for tips, buy some recipe books or be especially diligent when making your purchases.

That may mean, for instance, going a little out of your way to buy meat from a butcher instead of the supermarket, in order to get the portions you really want. Instead of buying a whole chicken, you may want to buy a couple of split breasts or some legs. A butcher will usually give you exactly the amount of ground beef you want, and it's easy to store leftovers, raw or cooked, for future use. You may also want to emphasize non-meat items - rice, noodles, beans and potatoes - in your diet, because many are easily stored and conveniently portioned.

3. Don't put more on the table than you want to eat at that meal. In the case of the chocolate cake mentioned before, the sensible thing to do is to cut out one large piece that can be divided into a reasonable portion for everyone at the table and then wrap and store the remainder.

Putting the rest of that cake in the freezer may also be a good idea, so you won't have to "worry" that it will go bad unless you polish it off. Some cooks enjoy bringing a large roast or casserole to the table because it looks very impressive. But if experience tells you that all that food sitting on the table is going to create a desire to eat more than you really want, do the carving or serving on the kitchen counter and then store the rest before eating.

Got it, shall share more tips at my next post.

Till we 'meet' again, watch your weight. :o)


Weight Management

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Do You Know How To Measure Bodyfat?

Weight Management

Hi all,
I am back.
As mentioned in my last post, I shall start a new series.
Talking about healthy lifestyle, I guess I can not avoid sharing ideas on Weight Management, ie. to loss weight.

Lets begin.........

3 Ways Of Measuring Bodyfat

1. Underwater Weighing:
Underwater weighing is the most accurate method for determining your percent body fat, but it's the least practical because it's done with sophisticated equipment at university research facilities. This method is based on the premise that fat floats - think of how oil rises to the top in a bottle of salad dressing. Therefore, by submerging a body in a tub of water, you can determine how much of it is lean and how much is not.

You sit in a large tank or tub full of water in a special chair with a weight belt around your waist. A trained technician then submerges you beneath the surface of the water as you force all the air out of your lungs. You must remain underwater for about 10 seconds so that the technician can record your weight. The technician repeats this procedure eight to ten times in order to determine an average.

The technician measures your body's volume by computing the difference between your body's weight measured in air and its weight underwater. The technician then calculates your body density by dividing your body mass by the volume of the water that it displaces, minus any air left in your lungs. After computing density, the technician uses another formula to determine your percent body fat.

2. Skin fold thickness:
Measuring skin-fold thickness (the amount of fat just under the skin) is a simpler method for determining percent body fat. When done by an experienced person, it is a very accurate predictor of total body fat. However, this method can yield inaccurate results if not done by a skilled practitioner or if performed on an older person or on someone who is severely overweight. Given that the results can vary greatly depending on the practitioner, you should view the results skeptically.

A person trained in skin-fold measuring, such as a doctor, dietitian, or health club staffer, measures your skin-fold thickness by using skin-fold calipers at the upper arm, upper back, lower back, stomach, and upper thigh. The technician takes two sets of measurements and obtains an average at each site. Then he or she converts the millimeters that the calipers measure and places those numbers in a formula to arrive at the percent body fat of your entire body.

3. Bioelectrical impedance:
Bioelectrical impedance is another relatively simple method for determining percent body fat, but it can produce inaccurate results if a person is dehydrated, overhydrated, severely overweight, or older with little muscle mass.

A trained technician takes readings from a machine that delivers a harmless amount of electrical current through your body to estimate total body water, which reflects the amount of muscle or lean tissue you have. (Muscle contains water, and fat contains very little water.) The technician then determines the amount of body fat you have between your body weight and your lean tissue.

That's all for today folks, will certainly share more tips with you in this coming week.


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