Alternative Healthy Lifestyle

Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Limitations of Pilates


Dear friends,
Good day to you.

Quite a number of readers asked though there are so many benefits in Pilates Workout, is there any limitation in Pilates that we should take note of.

Well, there is no such form of exercise could be called the perfect exercise.

So today, I am going to share with you the following ...............

The Limitations of Pilates

While the famous Pilates Method continues to convert long time fitness enthusiasts to its way of whole body conditioning and training, even its most ardent supporters understand that pilates does come with its own set of limitations.

Pilates supporters have long understood the numerous health benefits of regular pilates practice. The precision and slow precise movements and repetition inherent in pilates practice has been known to dramatically increase flexibility, improve postural symmetry and circulation, and help create a toned and lean all-over look.

The pilates system has also been known to help strengthen joint and muscle health, and can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis as well as chronic neck and back pain. Pilates has also been lauded for its ability to help protect against injury and to sculpt the whole body rather than just certain sets of muscles.

If regular pilates practice indeed can help you achieve these health benefits, what are some of the limitations of pilates, if any?

Some fitness experts argue that although pilates is commonly billed as a 'whole body' conditioning system, it does not represent a complete fitness routine or discipline.

According to some fitness experts, pilates should not be your sole means of fitness or movement. It must be augmented with other forms of exercise in order to complete your fitness routine.

So what are the major limitations of the Pilates Method? Some health experts suggest that pilates practice does not supply enough cardiovascular benefits to sustain a healthy body. Because pilates does not exert the body or contain much high impact and high output movements, some fitness experts believe that it may not provide enough cardiovascular benefits.

Another limitation of pilates is that it does not build muscle mass. To some, this is actually a benefit of pilates because it does not build the bulky muscles associated with other forms of exercise. But for others who are seeking to build muscle mass, pilates may represent a limited discipline.

To be continued tomorrow. :o)


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Could Pilates Help To Get You Back In Shape After Pregnancy?


Dear friends,
Lets continue with.....

Pilates for pregnancy

New moms needn’t worry about exerting themselves extensively in the pilates program; it focuses on low-intensity workouts that can benefit the body in a less drastic way than the methods offered via a conventional workout.

The benefits offered by the program aren’t limited to the physical body alone, either: many that indulge in the program find that they are faced with lower stress levels and a greater sense of peace after performing the workout.

Also, while many workouts cause you to feel exhausted after participating in them, pilates may actually give rise to more energy!

For these reasons, it’s a great program for women who have just delivered a child to get their bodies back in shape. While it is not a program that is known for its weight loss potential, when coupled with a high-intensity exercise program such as a swimming regimen, it can be great for your body.

If you’ve just had a child and are looking to get your body back into shape, pilates may help you by providing a gentle increase in exercise and physical activity that can really benefit you.

Ok, that's my sharing on Pilates for Pregnancy.

Till we 'meet' again, have a healthy weekend.



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Friday, October 06, 2006

Can You Take Up Pilates If You Are Pregnant?


Dear friends,
Many people asked me about whether they could practise Pilates if they are pregnant.

Well, this is what I am going to share with you today.

Pilates for pregnancy

We’ve all heard about the pilates program at one point or another. With hundreds of movements incorporated into the exercise program, it’s received much critical acclaim in the pop culture world of today. Many people look to pilates in order to increase their flexibility and their muscle tone, but few realize the benefits that one can merit when it comes to using pilates in order to help new moms get their bodies back into shape.

The pilates program was created by Joseph Pilates as a way to increase the basic fitness, flexibility, balance, and tone of an individual. Since it’s recent rise in pop culture, more and more people have been subscribing to the program, and it’s benefits for certain groups have shown to be more effective than Joseph could have imagined. To that end, there are actually some pilates studios that are open today that are designed exclusively for helping women who have just had children to get their former body back.

While pilates isn’t an exercise program that focuses on fat-burning and weight loss, one of the things that it does stress is the strengthening of the muscle areas that Joseph Pilates referred to as the core, or the ‘powerhouse’. These muscles consist of the muscles that are in and around the back and abdomen. Consequently, this is the area that most pregnant women experience the most changes in post-pregnancy.

Pilates programs for new mothers focus on the core exercises of the pilates program, working to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, back and abdomen. Some of the studios even offer places for the newborns to stay while the mother is working out. For those who don’t have a post-natal pilates class available in their local area, there are DVDs and instructional videos online that you can purchase in order to get the benefits of a pilates workout in the courtesy of your own home.

Ok, so should the new moms worry about exerting themselves in the Pilates program?

Well, lets continue tomorrow........ :o)



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