Here Is The Meditation Tension Technique!
Hi all,
Its time for action....... and here is the ................
Meditation Tension Technique
The best way to relax the body is to tense it first, and thereby to equalize the flow of tension all over the body. Then, with relaxation, you will find tensions being released that you didn't even know existed.
This method works also in the case of emotional tension. Often, emotional release comes only after an emotion has reached a peak of intensity. Prior to that intensity, the emotion may not have become clearly enough defined to you for it to be fully understood for what it is.
Psychological flaws, too, are difficult to address as long as they are sustained by one-horsepower energy in the mind. A person may seem quite innocuous, until good health, and a renewal of energy brings out a mean streak that always lurked inside him. Spiritual tests and trials are a blessing, in the sense that they help to bring a kind of tension to our flaws, and thereby heighten our awareness of them. The calm acceptance that heralds the passing of a test is often accompanied by a release of the flaw itself.
For physical relaxation, then, necessary as it is for deep meditation, first tense then relax the entire body. To begin with, take a few slow, deep breaths in order to free the blood stream of any excessive build-up of carbon. If time permits, practice the following exercise:
1) Inhale, counting mentally to 12.
2) Hold the breath, counting to 12.
3) Exhale, again counting to 12.
Repeat this process 6-12 times. Then inhale deeply and tense the whole body, not suddenly, but smoothly: low, medium, high. Tense hard enough to vibrate the body then throw the breath out quickly and release the tension all over the body. Repeat this process once or twice more.
From now on, it will be important to keep your body motionless. You may find it difficult to sit perfectly still, at first, accustomed as you may be to moving constantly. The moment you decide to sit still, you may find yourself wanting to fidget. The longer you can hold your body completely still, however, the easier it will be to continue doing so. Your physical restlessness will vanish after five minutes or so. Soon you'll find yourself enjoying this sense of freedom from body-consciousness.
Visualize yourself surrounded by space - space all around you; space slowly entering your body through the pores of your skin like a vapor of pure light; space permeating your body, bringing it total relaxation.
Ok, that's all for today sharing folks.
Lets shut off your PC and go do some meditation.